Pixels of the Week – March 25, 2016

Pixels of the Week – March 25, 2016

This content is 8 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks.

This week’s selection: webfonts, form field optimization, procrastination, some nice deep articles about homogeneous design, UX Design and flat design, some CSS animations, flexbox and front-end tricks. Also don’t miss some typography inspiration, and some CSS gradient tools, a UX kit and a tool to validate your Web Manifest.

You can follow me on twitter to get a dose of links every days.

TL;DNR the one you should not miss


I strongly and sadly agree: The web on my phone, on Apple not letting any other rendering engine than Safari on iOS

Interesting article


Webfonts In defense of the system fonts on the web. Interesting points.


A safe way to toggle passwords with a quick demo


Why some of us don’t have one true calling, a great TED on people who love to do too many things and can’t find THE calling and it’s perfectly fine.


How Procrastinating Can Boost Your Creativity, puuuuurfekt Friday read 🙂



UX is Not Design – A few elements that play a huge role in the user experience but aren’t necessarily a part of the UI design process


Excellent tips: 5 Essential UX Rules for Dialog Design


7 Types of Animations for Your Mobile App



By default, flex items won’t shrink below their minimum content size -> min-width: 0;


Web Animation Past, Present, and Future by @rachelnabors


Dirty Tricks From The Dark 
Corners Of Front-End


The Problem With Flat Design, According To A UX Expert and the concept of “click uncertainty”



In Defense of Homogeneous Design. Would you agree?


The Same Link Twice on the Same Page: Do Duplicates Help or Hurt? – Eliminate redundancy on webpages whenever possible to reduce cognitive overload

Inspiration and Great ideas



Letter kit on Pinterest, also London Underground and Design Museum font



Accessible, Simple, Responsive Tables

Useful ressources, tools and plugins that will make your life easy



Could be useful: a free usability testing kit by @uxpin


A little tool to validate your Web Manifest

I’m leaving for a week vacation, so no weekly links next week. I’ll leave you with this: Noot Noot !